I Want To Write For You Partners
Rob and Jacqui Poindexter
Two complementary writing talents merged when Rob Poindexter and Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter came together in 2006. Initially drawn to one another through poignant love letters and instant-message exchanges, Rob and Jacqui indulged in their love for words — their lilt, their precision and their warmth — to move from just dating to becoming lifelong marriage partners in 2008.
After exchanging vows on their sailboat, the two quickly learned that writing would fuel their day to day union, both personally and professionally. Rob, or “Capt. Rob” as many friends and colleagues have dubbed him, wrote stories about the couple’s sailing adventures that were published in the magazines, “Good Old Boat” and “Latitudes and Attitudes.”
Jacqui melded nautical metaphors into the redesign of her career website. Both wrote blog posts published in venues such as CareerTrend Resume Writing Services, Glassdoor and U.S. News that not only tapped their experiences but underscored their story-telling savvy. Their work has been picked up by name brands such as FOX Business, AOL, Yahoo! and Wall Street Journal, among other well known media.
Imbued by her mother’s fondness for reading, Jacqui’s yearning to unfurl thoughts onto the page began in elementary school, where she aced spelling bees and was a regular patron at the public library. In high school she wrote award-winning poetry and prose. Her bachelor’s degree in writing is underscored by a journalism emphasis, and she went on to hold corporate roles in marketing and PR before launching her own career-writing business in 1997.
For more than 25 years, Jacqui has been designing rich and compelling career resume stories, biographies and online profiles for hundreds of unique, global clients ranging from school teachers to CIA agents and everything in between.
Rob’s childhood bent for writing was recognized early on by his English teachers. Combine this with his passion for the rich detail that fuels world history, his overall desire for an adventurous life, a gift for gab and general charisma and you will understand why his writing is so powerful!
With a variety of bylines and features globally in magazines and popular blogs, Rob also performs as a ghostwriter. His ghostwriting content has benefited customers whose stories went on for publication in major news media.
Collectively, Rob and Jacqui offer more than 50 years of professional writing. Their desire to imbue each story with just the right words and brilliant energy drives results that reverberate across the globe.