We find ourselves so quietly,Abiding in solemnity,When all about the seas do rage,And talking heads they do engage,In autocratic fashion and,Demanding to be in-command,And all the world like sinking sand,Enabling their wicked plan, But brother know, and sister, too,It’s not about just me and you,It’s up to us to gird our loins,To strive for more, […]
How to Live in the Moment of Childlike Wonder While Going for Your Goals
I love to live in the moment, but it can be so easy to let the future or the outside noise hijack the ‘right now.’ This happens after a long beach walk, when I sit down with my favorite fruit bowl of raspberries and blueberries, and then start thinking about ‘what’s next,’ or I enable […]
In the Throes of Unfamiliar Seas
It is in the throes of unfamiliar seas, habits of change and growth are born. Seeded by simple passion, newly sprung habits often are riddled with complexity and the complication of uncertainty. It is the clarification of the why, however, that compels us forward, even after the initial dopamine rush wanes. I know for me […]
How TikTok, Instagram and Now Even, LinkedIn Degrade the Truth + Beauty of Experience
TikTok, Instagram, and now even, LinkedIn have degraded the quality of so many industries, including mine: the Career Storytelling and job search sector. Years of experience and the hard yards of building intellectual value and proof are being drowned out by popular pods of entertainers who showcase made-up rules and ‘strategies’ that serve to tickle […]
End of Year Push: Focus on ‘My’ Story
The excuses we use to focus on everything and everyone else (but ourselves) mount, the moment we take our first morning breath. Often, I mark the first hour of the day in the gym, an investment in self-care — body, mind, spirit — and for the most part, I have stayed true to that over […]
Unleashing Angst and Breathing in Joy
We traveled to Mexico for an extended Labor Day weekend this year. This was an exciting first, as my husband and I, married for 14 years, had not yet traveled together internationally. In fact, we were passport-less when this adventure began several months ago, after friends invited us to join them in Cancun. We initially […]